Proposal #21 for the NFT collections -> Lower cancel fee of MarketOrder

New proposal is created on the Kleverchain with number #21
KApp Fee for Cancel Market Order

This proposal is to get the Cancel MarketOrder Kapp Fee lower from 50 KLV back to 10 KLV.

Quote proposal :

We address you with a crucial proposal aimed at enhancing the trading conditions for NFTs on the Klever NFT Marketplace platforms. We suggest reducing the delisting fees for assets to 10 KLV to eliminate potential barriers for KleverChain users.

The power of decentralized governance rests in the hands of KFI holders, go vote your opinion, yes or no, the power is in your hands. :ocean::rocket:

Join the conversation, share your thoughts, and let’s make this journey unforgettable! :rocket::sparkles:

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