Increase KleverChain fees for incentive KFI stake holders, increase burn rate and validators rewards

If passed then this proposal will benefit more the KFI governance stake holders due better incentive of the KleverChain usage. The proposal is to set Kapp fee transfer to 5 KLV and the Bandwidth to 10 KLV. From that bandwidth fee 50% will be burned so in this proposal 5 KLV.

5 KLV burned
5 KLV to validators
5 KLV to KFI Governance holders.

Discuss this proposal below


The proposal 23 means that with just one transaction per second, it will flip KleverChain into deflationary mode.

Get this – if we hit two transactions per second, we’re talking about burning close to 1 million KLV every single day.

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we just voted for 3 and we want to increase it to 15 again?

Since P23 did not pass , what is the new plan? I quess ongoing P24 has not gained interest . Will be coming with newer one? Thnx.