Major utility to Miner personality

Could be a good idea that the miner personality can mine DVK.

Could be sending this personality to missions…

Or… can be a mini game like the mini game like this :

Where they will collect tokens, and there will be obstacles along the way.

This could this be implemented in the future? It would give a lot of value to this limited personalities


Genial esta propuesta, sería un gran incentivo a aquellos qué llevamos desde la beta cerrada y early adopter.

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Wow! I love the idea of the mini game!!! It would definitely add something else to Devikins world🤩

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Very good idea!!!


Wow awesome :sunglasses:. Hey ,it’s a time for weekend. Just chill hehe :grin: where not in hurry maybe lol
but good to submit in advance to share what can share for building and giving best game.
For our new CEO @dio with his department can review and check. Hehe go rest. Enjoy your Family moment time too hehe. Good day ahead.take care. Thank you so much I appreciate your all effort @Alanpf