AI Game Art Competition: Contribute to Dobro Goranku Trading Card Game

This is an incredibly exciting initiative! The Dobro Goranku Trading Card Game AI Art Competition provides a unique opportunity for creators to blend creativity with cutting-edge AI technology, and the rewards are fantastic. I especially admire the effort to credit artists and offer substantial incentives like Void Coins or Gold Tickets.

1. Will there be any workshops or tutorials for beginners interested in using AI tools for creating such art?
2. Are there specific guidelines or themes for the hero backstories to ensure alignment with the game’s lore?
3. Could you elaborate on how Void Coins and Gold Tickets can be redeemed or utilized in the Dobro Goranku ecosystem?

I also commend the emphasis on originality and the Creative Commons licensing approach, as it encourages innovation while ensuring fair usage rights. Looking forward to seeing the amazing artworks this competition will inspire!