Protobuf and FreezeContract

The protobuf documents do not contain a BucketID for the FreezeContract. If I query the TX at Node directly, the BucketID is indeed present.

Am I making a mistake?

Kleverchain ProtoBuf Document

message FreezeContract {
    bytes AssetID      = 1;
    int64 Amount       = 2;

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The FreezeContract is designed to freeze assets. The BucketID becomes available only after the freeze transaction is completed. You can retrieve this information through receipts or by checking the user’s buckets via the API. For KLV and KFI, the BucketID is a generated hash. However, for other KDAs, the BucketID corresponds to the KDA ticker (e.g., for the asset KDA-1234, the bucket will be KDA-1234).


Thank you for the quick reply. :+1:

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