Klever Virtual Machine (KVM) Testnet Release Postponed to February 2024!

Hey Klever community!

I hope this post finds you all in good spirits and ready for some updates from the Kleverchain!

So, we’ve got a little change of plans on the horizon – the launch of the Klever Virtual Machine (KVM) on TestNet, initially slated for January, will now be hitting your screens in February 2024. I know, I know, delays are not everyone’s favorite word, but trust me, there’s a silver lining here that’s worth the wait.

Building a virtual machine is no small feat; it takes time, precision, and a whole lot of love. :purple_heart: The Klever team is going above and beyond to ensure the KVM is not just great but insanely amazing. :rocket:

And let’s talk about security – we’re not playing around! Developing for the blockchain requires ninja-level skills, and our team is donning their capes to ensure the KVM is Fort Knox level secure. We want you to dive into the Kleverchain experience with confidence.

Now, for the positive spin – this delay is a testament to Klever’s commitment to delivering excellence. We’re not just aiming for the moon; we’re reaching for the stars. The KVM on the TestNet is going to blow your minds, and we can’t wait for you to experience it firsthand.

So, here’s the deal – stay excited, stay tuned, be Klever and keep those eyes peeled for more updates. The Klever team is working around the clock, fueled by passion and coffee, to make sure the KVM launch in February is nothing short of legendary.

We appreciate your patience, your enthusiasm, and your unwavering support. The Klever journey is about to get wild, my friends, and we can’t wait to have you all aboard.

See you in February, and let’s make Kleverchain history together! :rocket::rocket::rocket:
