Enhancing Wallet Browser Usability for a Better Web3 Experience

Hello Klever Wallet team,

We would like to revisit a suggestion regarding an improvement to the wallet browser to enhance the user experience when interacting with Dapps and other Web3 applications.

Currently, the effective screen space is significantly reduced due to the static display of both the header and footer within the wallet. To address this, we propose removing the footer to increase the available area. This adjustment would allow applications with their own footer navigation to function more effectively while avoiding redundancy.

As an example, we’ve attached a screenshot illustrating how this is implemented in the Ton Keeper wallet. We believe adopting a similar approach could improve usability, maximize the visible area for applications, and streamline the interface by eliminating duplicate menus.

Thank you for considering this suggestion. We look forward to hearing your thoughts!

@Vitor_Pereira @Bruno_Campos @Duka


Let’s do this! The Klever Community deserves nothing less than the best!


@Bruno_Campos @Duka @Nicollas Guys, can I get your feedback on this feature suggestion?


Hi, yes, we are already working on the UX.
Keep posting feedback… we hear you guys