Marketing Related questions

The reason behind my following questions is that we - the community - are praying without information and patiently awaiting the effects of the 2024 bull market on the Klever ecosystem, which introduces numerous new technologies but remains largely confined to a narrow pipeline of information, failing to reach a wider audience.

  1. What plans do you have to promote the Klever ecosystem and strengthen its market position during the 2024 Bull Run, especially in terms of advertising and massive marketing?
  2. Is there any information that suggests that the Klever ecosystem will be able to effectively profit from the 2024 Bull Run without aggressive advertising and marketing?
  3. What plans are there to list Klever tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges in the near future, including top and even low tier exchanges?

Hey Peter,

Thanks for reaching out.

I’ll note generally without being confined to a bullrun scenario, but Klever has been building their tech stack and developing their technologies to the point that foundationally all is seamless, working beautifully and aligned to our ecosystem goals, which is to provide a holistc user journey for new and technologically advanced individuals/projects etc.

We are currently initiating a range of online campaigns focused on getting more developers to build on KleverChain, and test driving KVM.

There’s also a range of overarching campaigns already initiated across many “standard digital channels” (besides the old legacy channels that continue to give a massive ecosystem like us a hard time)

I can’t discuss listings / exchanges etc, what I can say. We’re in a great space, and our marketing initiatives will drive what we’ve built going forward, now that it’s ready :muscle:


Warren hi
May I also add/ask what is the latest situation regarding Huobi/HTX KLVchain integration ? KLV withdrawals are suspended for weeks now (on tron) , and no one seems to care about it. Funds are stuck there , what do you suggest? thanks.

This should not be the case, have you opened a support ticket regarding this?

If not please do, and drop that ticket number in here for us to investigate asap!

So sorry to hear about this.

Sorry I think you got me wrong . KLV withdrawals from HTX xchange is suspended for weeks. You would not want me to open a ticket on KLV support for this ı quess.

Hi Warren,

Thank you for your prompt response. I’m pleased with the clarity of your message, and I believe it will resonate well within the community.

Note, without marketing, no matter how strong the project, it won’t catch wind.

I am aware of how robust and versatile the Klever ecosystem is, as I personally use and highly recommend it to everyone!:muscle:

As we anticipate the upcoming bull run, it’s paramount to highlight how Klever intends to leverage marketing strategies to not only showcase its expansive ecosystem but also to effectively engage both users and developers. The role of marketing in this regard cannot be overstated, as it serves as a vital conduit for communicating the value proposition of Klever amidst the heightened market activity.

I (on behalf the very best community) eagerly await further insights on how Klever plans to navigate and capitalize on this exciting period.

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All in the plan :facepunch: keep well Peter.


What’s your plans saying same thing since 3 years

We know what marketing did in 5 years lolll useless fellows :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Hey there,

Just letting you know we’ve raised this issue with HTX, they’ve now rectified it on their end, all services on HTX in relation to KLV is resolved.

Cheers. W


Thanks for the update about HTX , good news finally.

What should we expect this month regarding your add campaigns since X adds are involved , and KDC is happening this month ?

Thanks in advance.


Yes’s that’s in high time to send out a update to the token holders :eyes::pray: hope soon for a great update , Thanks :pray:

I am happy that you shared information with holders! It would be great if in the future we could also be informed about similar things here or there!

Have a nice one!:tophat:

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