Klever Token Burn

Do we have plans to burn tokens by any other means other than transaction burns ? Something like Kda token launch something like we dis for minting Kfi, or burn a percent of profit from klever swap daily ? Or some other plan ?

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Hey @reprasa welcome to the Klever Forum. Yes, we have new plans. We’ve been studding new effective ways to do it. Stay tuned to know great news on the 2024.

@Duka Any update on this ? Anything regarding plans ?

Every transaction burns tokens, so feel free to burn as many tokens as you like

@Kleverkid Like the half ass way you were burning tokens by collecting it in a so wallet and sending some to validators and some to KFI holders and rest to burn ?
Both of us know what I am talking about here so dont be that idiot and read what my question was. :slight_smile:

It’s built into the blockchain. Don’t insult someone who actually did something. What have you done?

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@Kleverkid Everyone knows that it’s built to blockchain. If you look at my question, i clearly say other than transaction burns, you can see that I am trying to get team do more ways to burn the token so that it will benefit everyone in the community. So when I try to do that, either support it or dont say anything rather than being cocky.

I have done giveaways and help onboard and bring in many many users into blockchain and is building a social media app which may or may not come in to fruition in kleverchain. Considering what you did which I respect, many others have done a lot of things and are trying to do lot of things to better the ecosystem keep that in mind.

So if you want to gain respect, dont offend people pretty simple. Many of us are trying to get many other ways to burn the token be it transactions or users or launch events or even team burns. Either support it or leave it.