Improved Voxswap DEX and renamed it to KleverSwap

I don’t understand why you are diluting the Klever brand and coming up with different names. Can’t your marketers understand that such brand dilution only pushes away potential and existing investors?! One name in the wallet, another name on the website… How long can you come up with different names and confuse users?! Do you think there will be more users this way? Yes, users are already annoyed by this blurring of the brand and confusion in the names of identical projects of the same brand. Stop and combine everything into one brand.

Live DEX interface
Now the structure is not very convenient, which can confuse users.

Updated DEX structure

  1. It will be more convenient and logically clear if the buttons for connecting wallets are above each block in the exchange itself.
  2. Added the ability to specify the address of the recipient’s wallet instead of connecting the wallet. If the user adds a recipient’s address, the wallet connection button becomes inactive. If he deletes the wallet address, the wallet connection button becomes active. This function will allow the user to make an exchange in a free form without necessarily connecting a second wallet, which he currently cannot connect or does not want to connect, or even wants to make an exchange so that the recipient is someone else.
  3. If the user, for example, chose to receive BTC in the swap, then he cannot add the address of another network - he should be shown an error that the receiving address is specified from another network.
  4. If a swap occurs within one network, then the second button for connecting a wallet and the field for adding an address must be active - because the user can connect a second wallet of the same network or specify a third-party address of the same network.

The point is to give the user more choice when interacting with the swap bridge and to make the interface as logical and understandable as possible.

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@Duka will you explain why rename as voxswap? Is this the first step of vox token? Thnx.

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If all these renaming are associated with the release of new tokens for each project, then this is the depreciation of KLV and KFI coins and, accordingly, a large deception of investors. If this really is, then you can say goodbye to the Klever project!

Does not have to be bad , it depends . TRX tron was like that in 2017/18/19, Justin came up with SUN token and Sunswap , than JUSTtoken and Justlend . But he has always money and usdt on his chain. Don’t know if team has solid plans or panic changes but 2024 has to be well planned for succes of kleverchain and KLV. Hoping the best for all. :pray:

Nobody has said anything about releasing a new token for the swap. External projects need to have their own token to finance development:

Tron for example has hundreds of tokens

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External strangers to the project, yes, they must have their own token. But internal projects such as KleverSwap should not be renamed and have their own tokens - otherwise it will devalue the KLV and KFI coins. Producing different projects to create your own tokens in them is pulling the rug, in other words, this is a real fraud. Do you think that investors are so stupid not to see what is happening?! If the renaming occurs due to the recommendation of an existing marketer, then you should consider hiring a professional marketer. You even just consult with at least two or three professional marketers, they will tell you the same thing - that dilution of the brand leads to dire consequences for the company.

There is no need to look up to someone who extracts money from naive hamsters in any way. In addition, it was financed by large foundations. And now he has made commissions for tokens on the TRX network at $3.5, thereby practically destroying his blockchain for tokens. He even listed fraudulent tokens on his exchange because the real tokens had not yet been released for sale as stated by the official representatives of these tokens and they were amazed by Justin’s scam. Therefore, I would not cite him as an example and look up to him. Investors are no longer as naive as they were in 2017 and can perfectly distinguish why projects are renamed and why certain actions are taking place. And accordingly, a large investor who wants to develop a project, seeing such a picture of what is happening, will never invest in such projects - because such projects will ultimately die.

Never a fan of JS , he has this bad reputation yes but also not as bad as LUNA , FTX situations .=)
Regading voxswap , seems it will have its own mobile version according to yesterdays video. So when on K5 wallet it is kleverswap , when on its own app voxswap?
Also heard bitcoinme mobile version will be discontinued.
Maybe good time for Dio to make an AMA on X before minds get confused even more .

They have confused everything so much that investors are tired of it and at the slightest pump, large investors leave the project. The Klever team needs to stop misleading investors, stop renaming everything and start combining all projects into a single brand on one website and with one page on social networks. Otherwise, Klever will not have new large investors, because large investors have professional analysts and they see all this chaos and chaos.

Thank you for the question, @Burak_Kulaksizoglu and welcome to the Klever Forum.

Vox Swap is a new product in the Klever ecosystem, just like With it, you’ll be able to perform swaps on the web browsers, create widgets for external web products, and even consume its APIs for use in third-party solutions as you wish. There is no intention to create new tokens by Klever. The Klever tokens are KLV and KFI.


Thanks for your answer @Duka .
Bitcoinme was Klever xchance , Klevernft became Minthree , Kleverswap becoming Voxswap ,
I am asking not to fud , I am invested heavly in KLV KFI DVK , just trying to understand where we are headed.
Will Kleverwallet and others become something else next?
Thank you so much.
KLEVER WP page3 .

Maybe you can open a topic ''Ask new Ceo JP ‘’ before the AMA next week (hopefully) so he can know what the community is wondering about Klever ecosystem beforehand.
best wishes.

Thank YOU @Burak_Kulaksizoglu to be here with us. We’re creating a moment to eliminate any doubts. Stay tuned.

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Personally, I’ll probably make a couple more suggestions and wait for the pump to reset everything and forget about this project. I’m tired of this mess of project renaming and confusion. I don’t see any prospects for this project - no self-respecting major investor will invest in a project that destroys its own brand. In addition, the users themselves are already lost in projects and lost in domains. I am sure that most investors are waiting for the pump in the same way to dump coins and forget about this project. Nobody wants to discuss anything or ask the project team anymore, because everyone sees that the Klever team is leading the brand into the abyss. I also doubt that the team has 20 million, because the price of coins is not supported in any way and is not going up. I was very disappointed in the team’s attitude towards the project and especially in their attitude towards their own investors, who ask the team not to dilute the brand, but the team doesn’t listen to anyone and is destroying the Klever brand.

I understand and agree most of your concens but let’s first hear what JB has to say.
Hopefully he will show up very soon with solid plans.

@Burak_Kulaksizoglu This time is coming You have a meeting with our new CEO, JP :rocket:

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