we celebrate and welcome you
nice to be here)hope for luck)
Hi, I’m glad to be here.
I’ve been using Klever since it was just a wallet. I got in around Q4 2020.
I love to play Devkins. I’ve been with that since they were selling NFT packs to fund the game.
I’m an Admin & Moderator on one of the largest vaping (harm reduction) forums online.
I can’t wait to see what’s in store next for Klever.
I’ve been with you guys all along.
Through the FUD campaigns spread against us by online bots through the changes in leadership.
This new & Improved Klever team seems to take the best interests of the community to heart.
I do have one huge con.
I’ve asked questions numerous times but never got a clear answer.
The spread on the memecoins is absolutely horrible in K5’s swap feature.
For instance if you go check in K5 right now and try to sell $200 worth of Gohan you’ll end up with $141 in USDT.
I know what you’re going to say because I thought it at first as well. USDT is on a different blockchain and there must be fees and things that go along with swapping from Klever to Tron.
That would be believable if swapping $200 in Gohan didn’t get you even less in KLV, $137.50 on Klevers native blockchain.
A 25% loss for every swap of these memecoins isn’t sustainable.
Why would anyone buy these memecoins a second time after figuring out this 25% fee the first time and they now know if they buy again they are going to be immediately 25% in the hole?
Well, for me I’d say that I believe the Dev. Team are working ceaselessly to arrive at a solution.
Hi klever friends, I am glad to be here, I am Jance, a staff of Coininn CEX. We provide free listing for Klever project. I hope to develop together with KLever
We welcome and celebrate you pretty well.
And we look forward to building together with you.
Good day Team! Nice to be here! Have a great totheMOOOON